At Some Point in Our Lives, We All Get Outbreaks of Acne.
There are many myths about the cause of acne. Some people think that the incidence of acne is higher if you eat foods like chocolate or French fries. Others think that the presence of acne is due to poor hygiene. Neither is true.
Acne is caused by the body’s increased production of the hormone androgen (produced by both men and women), which stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. The increased production of oil causes the pores to become blocked, so that the oil cannot come up to the skin surface. The acne itself is an infection caused by skin bacteria that feed on and break down this oil. As the bacteria multiply, waste products and sebacic acid are created, and the sebaceous gland becomes inflamed causing what is known as a blackhead, a whitehead or a pimple. But now with the clinically tested and safe Ellipse treatment help is at hand.
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